Ladies Gaelic Football

Peil Summer_2022_DIGITAL EDITION

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GUESS WHAT I DO LAURA FITZGERALD | SUMMER 2022 | 57 VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR LOOK TO THE FUTURE HOW HAS THE VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR ROLE BENEFITED LADIES FOOTBALL IN WATERFORD? It was to be totally open minded in all aspects of activities in the County. That means starting at the top (Executive level) and working towards the Clubs throughout the county. This does not happen overnight; it has to be worked at continuously. Firstly, we looked at the structure for everyone to understand their role and responsibilities and to make Assistants/ Vice positions more meaningful. To have a strong backroom team in supporting each other, to develop in their role and support to the clubs in the County. HOW IMPORTANT IS IT TO HAVE SOMEONE DEDICATED TO RECRUITING, RETAINING AND REWARDING VOLUNTEERS IN THE COUNTY? To me it is key, it is all about attitude. We are continuously looking at people with various skillsets, sometimes not realising what they can offer. Some may never have been asked to get involved in some form or other. At the same time, we have ordinary people doing extraordinary things and going beyond their own expectations, some of these people would not want be in the limelight but work quietly and A Volunteer Coordinator does the following: • Coordinate the work being done by the various volunteers involved in your club or county. • Assisting with recruiting, retaining and rewarding volunteers. • Supporting individual volunteers as necessary. We caught up with George Young, a Volunteer Coordinator for Waterford LGFA, to talk about the practicalities of the role. VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR WHAT IS THE ROLE? tirelessly for Ladies Football. It is extremely important that their work is recognised and appreciated. WHAT IS THE BIGGEST CHALLENGE TO GETTING PEOPLE TO VOLUNTEER IN LADIES FOOTBALL? The biggest challenge is getting volunteers to commit to a role, whether that is because of a previous bad experience, a fear of being trapped in a position for life, or a lack of understanding or knowledge about the role you have asked them to get involved in. A big part of my role is reassuring and encouraging volunteers to get/remain involved and also, to plan for the future and ensure their succession plans in place. WHAT IS YOUR BEST ADVICE OF GETTING PEOPLE INVOLVED IN LADIES FOOTBALL? This is part of an 0outreach programme. If anything/anyone moves, you engaged with them. I rarely take no for an answer, I try to show people the bigger picture. I am a firm believer in reaching out to everyone, in particular to the youth, they have so much to offer, and we need to engage with them more. For further information on the Volunteer Coordinator Role please contact TO ME IT IS KEY, IT IS ALL ABOUT ATTITUDE. WE ARE CONTINUOUSLY LOOKING AT PEOPLE WITH VARIOUS SKILLSETS, SOMETIMES NOT REALISING WHAT THEY CAN OFFER. SOME MAY NEVER HAVE BEEN ASKED TO GET INVOLVED IN SOME FORM OR OTHER.

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