Mo's Montessori

Mo's Montessori Parents Handbook

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6 | Policies & Procedures Montessori & The emergent Curriculum Montessori and the eMergent CurriCuluM At Mo's Montessori our approach to teaching the children is underpinned by the Montessori Method. This is a wonderful approach where children learn by doing. The learning happens inside the child. The children learn at their own pace and sometimes will do things over and over again until they have mastered it. What we do as teachers is observe the children and watch for what they are interested in and ready for. Based on the children's interests we introduce them to new ideas and opportunities for learning. This is also known as the Emergent Curriculum. That is, the opportunity to learn springs from or emerges from, what the children are interested in. The children are free to move about our class and choose the activity they would like to do. The children get the opportunity to do activities on their own, in groups and with their teacher. We teach the children about care of self and the environment. The school is theirs to use and we want them to care for it and for each other. Language, arithmetic, geography, botany, art and culture are some of the topics your child will learn about in Mo's Montessori.

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