Mo's Montessori

Mo's Montessori Parents Handbook

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Code Of Behaviour 22 | Policies & Procedures key PoinTs in relaTion To PosiTive behaviour managemenT for children: Children are always encouraged to behave in a caring, kind and respectful way towards others. The children become a part of the community of the pre-school and through this community are shown and encouraged to take turns at exercises, to wait and to share with others. Children are encouraged to be independent and are taught to help each other. The Montessori method works with the idea of limited freedom, where the children choose the work they wish to do once they have been shown it but where there are consistent, set boundaries to help guide them. Children at Mo's Montessori are educated in peace throughout their time at the school. We focus on using respectful communication skills to solve conflicts. We closely observe and monitor the behaviours of students to ensure that hurtful behaviour does not occur and to take swift action to deal with any incident. We also work together to ensure that conflict resolution skills are taught and practiced, giving children the necessary tools to deal with peer conflict. our school's focus, based on monTessori Pedagogy, is on PrevenTaTive measures for such behaviours by Teaching children how To: Be caring and courteous of others. To co-operate with others. To learn to be empathetic to others and their feelings. Learn to deal with negative feelings (anger, jealously, etc.). To learn to stand up for themselves in a peaceful way. Engage in discussions to resolve differences, express feelings and show empathy. To respect and celebrate the unique qualities of every person.

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