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Parents As Partners 24 | Policies & Procedures 7. Parents as Partners ParenTs as ParTners Policy sTaTemenT Mo's Montessori affirms the crucial role of parents as primary educators of their children. Our service is committed to working together with parents to ensure quality care and learning for their child. It is policy of the service to be open, inclusive, welcoming, accepting, and respectful of all parent/guardian/carers using the service. Our aim as Early years educators is to plan, implement and evaluate all children's learning in partnership with children, parents/carers and relevant other and to involving them in the planning and development of this service. The admissions and settling in policy. Parents will be supplied with information on the type of care and programme provided by our service and our interest in their input as partners in learning. Our pre-school will hold open days during the month of June. We will facilitate meeting parents/guardians/carers at mutually agreed times and venues. We will aim to ensure a brief daily exchange of information with each parent/ guardian/carer. There is a notice board inside the main door for current information, ECCE payments policy and ECCE calendar, Tusla Information, contact numbers and other relevant information. We value the children's input and allow for their involvement in every aspect of their learning at our school. We value parent/guardian/carers input and aim to ensure opportunities for them to contribute to their child's learning and to the services' activities. We will encourage parents/guardians/carers input to the service, i.e. rota, committee, fund raising and drawing up policies and procedures. Our service will facilitate opportunities for observation of play that will increase understanding of child behaviour and development. Mo's Montessori will provide parent/guardian/carers with information about relevant conferences, workshops and training. Mo's Montessori allows time to listen, talk, exchange ideas amongst children, teachers, parents/carers and relevant others. We will make parent/guardian/carers aware of our group's comments/ complaints procedure.