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INTERVIEW 60 | SUMMER 2022 | 60 | SUMMER 2022 | TOPIC: SMALL SIDED GAMES COACHING CARD ACTIVITY 1 What do I need to set up this exercise? • Multiple footballs and cones How do I execute this activity? • Using full length of the pitch, mark out four zones. Two zones in front of the main goals 20x20m and two zones on both wings at the centre of the pitch 10x10m. Note, the size of the zones can vary depending on number of players and distance between the zones can vary also depending on the stage of development of your players. • Place one ball in each zone. • Divide your group into two teams i.e., 8v8. Ask each player in each group to assign themselves a number, 1 to 8 and players pair up according to their number. • Prior to the game commencing, the coach informs the players of what pairs will be running to zone B or C. For example, pairs 1,2,3 and 4 will go run to zone B on the whistle, while players 5,6,7 and 8 will run to zone C. • The game commences in the grid in front of the goals i.e., 8v8. Team in possession tries to hold possession for time allocated by the referee i.e., 40 seconds. • On the coach's whistle, the group drop the ball and sprint to the grids on the wings. Pairs 1,2,3 and 4 go to grid B and pairs 5,6,7 and 8 go to grid C. There will be a ball waiting in each grid. Two 4v4 games is now taking place. • Team in possession of the ball try to hold the ball for 40 seconds. • On the coach's whistle, both groups sprint to grid D in front of the big goals. First team to pick up the ball in the grid try hold possession for 40 seconds. It is now back to an 8v8 possession game and the group try hold possession for 40 seconds. • On coaches whistle the game finishes. Progressions: • On coaches whistle in grid D o Team in possession try and score a goal or point. o Move the ball from grid D all the way back to the opposite goal and score a point Use of four steps and bounce where appropriate. ACTIVITY 2 What do I need to set up this exercise? • Football and cones/poles How do I execute this activity? • Set up a pitch 60x30m and park out four goals with cones or training poles about 1m apart. Divide group in teams of 8 (4v4). • If there are large numbers, then set up two pitches or have multiple teams. For maximum benefit of this game, try keep it to 4v4. • For 3 minutes, one team tries to keep possession of the ball and score by running through any of the four goals. • When the team in possession score, they immediately attack the goals on the opposite side of the pitch. • If the team loses possession, then the opposition gives them back the ball. One team holds possession for the duration of the 3 minutes. • When the time has elapsed then both teams rest for 3 minutes and next time the other team holds possession. • Complete this exercise three times, in the final game, whoever has possession holds possession. Progressions: • Limit plays of the ball i.e., one hop or solo • Can't pass back to player you received the ball from A D B C Note: Both these games will develop high speed running and will challenge players aerobically if done well.