Ladies Gaelic Football

Peil Autumn 2020

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GAELIC4 MOTHERS& OTHERS 46 | AUTUMN 2020 | Fit4Mothers&Others T he Gaelic4Mothers&Others programme has an incomparable number of strengths associated with participation. Two common strengths are the variation of activities within the programme and the variation of personal motivation of participants. In our most recent national survey of G4M&O participants, the top three responses as to why participants took part in the programme were social interaction, fitness and mental health. It was with this in mind that LGFA was delighted to partner with Athletics Ireland to produce the Fit4Mothers&Others project, funded through Sport Ireland's Women in Sport Fund. This project combines aspects of the LGFA Gaelic4Mothers&Others programme and AI's Fit4Life programme to produce an 8-week hybrid programme. The programme involves participants over the age of 25 increasing their general physical activity, through non competitive LGFA and AAI activities, while being socially active in the community. Starlights Club in Dublin was selected to take part in our initial exploration of the programme. The group was aptly chosen as they are near neighbours of Morton Stadium, the HQ of AAI, and just up the road from LGFA HQ in Croke Park. Over the course of the eight weeks, seven participants quickly turned into twenty, as ambassadors of the LGFA & AAI delivered fun, progressive, and encouraging weekly sessions during which participants alternated between Athletics and Gaelic Football activities. The area now boasts a newly formed G4M&O club and also a Fit4Life group. Four further sites, one in each Province, have been selected to take part in the initiative. Each selected site will have both an LGFA and AAI club in close proximity, where it is envisaged that closer links between sports clubs can grow to the benefit of all of the community, leaving a legacy of sports participation and increased activity levels. In increasing participation in sports, and promoting healthy lifestyles in the community, it's no secret that sometimes collaboration is the key to ensuring there is something for everyone. Leitrim Gaelic4Mothers&Others Inclusion Programme F ormer United States President John Quincey Adams once declared: "The influence of each human being on others in this life is a kind of immortality." In sport, there is no greater influence that one can have than to volunteer to improve or develop a person, a club or the way in which a club or person positively interact to enhance a community. The Gaelic4Mothers & Others of Leitrim are one such group that have grasped the opportunity to volunteer and positively interact in their communities. The Gaelic4Mothers&Others Inclusion Programme, in partnership with the Leitrim Sports Partnership, has offered 10 specifically selected clubs the opportunity to learn new skills in a range of different modules that will not only benefit the Gaelic4Mothers&Others programme in the county, but it will also enrich the clubs in which the participants are based. Modules included coaching, safeguarding, First Aid, inclusion and mental health webinars and courses. These modules are weekly over a 15-week period and have been redesigned and reimagined so they can all take place remotely. Every module was fully booked up from early on with a huge demand from the participants to learn and indeed use their newfound skills in becoming pillars of their own clubs and communities. The launch of this project proved to have perfect timing as it coincided with the return to play for all groups after the enforced period of inactivity. Two new G4M&O clubs were also established within the county, with both reporting upwards of 40 new members at each session since their launch. These are phenomenal numbers of participants, considering the current national uncertainty. Club officials will also engage with the programme to ensure that the reach of the new cohort of skilled volunteers is far and wide into the club and community. They will utilise them to positively influence the club and the people within it, to have that lasting and enduring impact that only volunteering affords us.

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