Ladies Gaelic Football

Peil Summer 2020

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54 | SUMMER 2020 | Rules Quiz 1. Which of these offences is not a straight red card? a. Deliberate pulling of an opponent or colleague's hair b. Deliberate pulling down or tripping by the hand or foot c. Deliberate high tackle d. Inciting colleagues or opponents to cause or take part in any type of affray while on the pitch. 2. How long is the interval at half time in a game? a. 5 minutes maximum b. 10 minutes maximum c. 12 minutes maximum d. 15 minutes maximum 3. What free if it goes over the bar off the ground will now be awarded 2 points? a. Side-line kick b. 13m free c. 45m kick d. Penalty 4. What should the referee do if the ball strikes a corner flag and comes back into the field of play? a. Award a goal kick to opposition b. Throw in ball c. Award a side-line kick to the opposition d. Play on 5. Which is the following is not a straight yellow card offence? a. Pushing or holding an opponent b. Charging of an opponent with the shoulder to the upper body c. Bringing the fist into contact with the body of an opponent for the purpose of dispossessing her of the ball d. Dissenting or challenging the authority of a match official 6. By Rule how many players must a team have to start and complete a game. (15-a-side game) a. 15 players to start the game and may be continued or finished with less than 15. b. 11 players to start the first half and may be continued or finished with less than 11. c. 13 players to start the first half and may be continued or finished with less than 13. d. 14 players to start the first half and may be continued or finished with less than 14. 7. The ball strikes the referee from a free. What does s/he award? a. Retake b. Free to opposing team c. Throw in d. Play on 8. A forward runs into large rectangle and is about to kick for a goal when a defender pulls their jersey. What does the referee award? a. A free to the attacker from 13m line and yellow card player b. A penalty and yellow card player c. A penalty and no card for player d. A free to attacker from large rectangle and red card player 9. Feigning injury, or diving to gain a free kick or penalty or to get op- ponent cautioned or sent off. What offence is this? a. Technical Foul b. Non-Technical Foul c. Yellow Card d. Red Card 10. Where a free kick is awarded and a player passes to a colleague who is less than 13m from the ball what should the referee award? a. Retake the free b. Free to opposition from where player kicked the ball c. Play on d. Free to opposition from where recipient picked up the ball 11. What offence is 'chopping down on the arms of an opponent'? a. Technical b. Non-Technical c. Yellow Card d. Red Card 12. An umpire prevents the ball from crossing the goal line with their foot. What will the referee award? a. Penalty to attacking team b. Play continues with ball in play c. 13m free in for attacking team d. Award the goal 13. How many metres in front of goal is a penalty taken from? a. 9m b. 10m c. 11m d. 12m 14. By Rule how many players must a team have to start and complete a game. (15-a-side game) a. 15 player to start the game and may be continued or finished with less than 15. b. 11 players to start the first half and may be continued or finished with less than 11. c. 13 players to start the first half and may be continued or finished with less than 13. d. 12 Players to start the first half and may be continued or finished with less than 11. 15. For a kickout after a wide ball which of the following is true? a. All players except for the kicker and the goal keeper must be outside the 20m line. The ball is kicked from the 13m line and must be received outside the 20m line. b. All players except for the kicker and the goal keeper must be outside the 20m line. The ball is kicked from the 13m line and can be received inside the 20m line. c. All players except for the kicker and the goal keeper must be outside the 20m line. The ball is kicked from the small rectangle line and must be received outside the 20m line. d. All players except for the kicker and the goal keeper must be outside the 20m line. The ball is kicked from the 11m line and can be received inside the 20m line. ...complete the quiz on page 56!

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