Ladies Gaelic Football

Peil Summer 2020

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Page 42 of 63 | SUMMER 2020 | 41 W hat are the key elements of your role? My job is to ensure that the Fund is managed correctly so members can continue to benefit for it. So managing the Fund involves setting up the claims, reviewing prior approval requests, assess claims and apply the required benefits, issue payments, manage recollections and plan for the future of the Fund. W hat do you see as the most important thing for you to prioritise in the coming year? During the Covid-19 pandemic, I have spent a lot of time compiling excels of data on where the Fund has issued payments over the last number of years and analysing that data – exciting stuff! But it has given me some ideas of the next steps for the Fund. I have spent time preparing Injury Fund guides and procedures which I am hopeful once finalised will assist members going forward. P eople should contact you if.......? If they have any queries on the Injury Fund, if they have any queries on a claim they have opened or if they are pursuing private treatment that requires prior approval. All details for the Fund are available online and more information will be updated as we proceed through the year so keep an eye on emails and the website. I can be reached at Stephen Maxwell Leinster Development Officer Y ou have Intercounty experience with both Kildare and Westmeath - what were the biggest things you learned during these appointments? I was head coach of both Kildare and Westmeath's seniors and minors, and, in between, DCU O'Connor Cup and Dublin minor teams. In each role I was constantly challenged to be a better coach and facilitator and that for me is the enjoyment of working within a women's sport, the constant need for the "WHY" in regard to everything you do with players. It challenges you to become more knowledgeable and better prepared. I am constantly developing my knowledge to become better so that I can meet every challenge and in turn challenge others to become better. W hat was the most enjoyable thing about being an Intercounty manager? I suppose the first thing is I'd never consider myself a manager, I have always seen myself as a facilitator of development. I enjoy teaching players and coaches the skills of the game and the skills of coaching to those willing to learn. I would say the most enjoyable part is seeing a player develop, for me that is success, seeing all their hard work pay off in the high pressure situation of a game knowing you helped support that development. W hat motivated you to apply for the job in LGFA? Ladies Football is one of the fastest growing sports in the world and from my experience within other sports I feel I can support its growth even further. Y ou were working in Australia - how will that experience help you as Development Officer for Leinster? First of all geographically speaking I was Head of Development for New South Wales State which is 11 times the size of the Island of Ireland so travel and numbers wise I am actually dealing with less people. I am coming from working within both an Olympic sport and a professional sport so the key learnings I have taken from those communities and cultures I believe can only have a positive effect on my new role within Leinster. W hat are the key elements of your role? As the Lead for Development in Ladies Football in Leinster my role is to ensure increased and sustained participation levels while constantly raising the standards of our volunteers, clubs, players, coaches, referees, officials and county boards so that the game continues to develop in line with the needs of its community. W hat do you see as the most important thing for you to prioritise in the coming year? I know personally from being in lockdown that I have a new thirst for the sport, and I'm certain our players and volunteers feel the same, so the priority has to be getting our clubs back out training and playing and giving girls/women that opportunity to enjoy our great sport again and I will be supporting counties in all aspects of return to play from referee development, coach education, volunteer development and increasing participation so that we can play more games and develop even more players in 2021. P eople should contact you if.......? I am here to support the Development of Ladies Football in Leinster across all areas so if players, parents, coaches, clubs, counties and referees have any queries please don't hesitate to contact me via email or by phone at or 087 768 1288. W hy Gaelic Games? I have had the privilege of working across sporting codes from American Football, Australian Rules, Rugby League, Soccer and Softball but no sport compares to our very own gaelic games and the culture and community that we have within it. I had the pleasure of working with Ladies Gaelic Clubs in Sydney and New York and that same joy is evident all around the world. We have a great game and I want to be a part of developing it further.

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